Check out the links below:
Plotter's Manifesto
My little rant about why you should become a plotter.
The Pantry Method
A little advice on how to avoid feeling boxed in by the outlining process.
Plotting Templates
These are all the templates I use when I'm outlining a story. I hope you find them helpful! Just click to download.
- The Process Breakdown
- Story Sketch
- Premise Sheet
- General Setting
- Specific Setting
- Outline
- Character Sheet
- Character Roles
For more info on how to use the above templates, check out the following pages:
- One Template to Rule Them All - The Process Breakdown
- Sketching out a Story
- The Pixar Premise
- James Scott Bell's Golden Triangle
- General Setting
- Specific Setting
Story Structure Series
My take on traditional story structure, which will clarify how to use the Outline template above.
- Story Structure Foreword: The Path of Least Resistance
- Four Act Structure and the Stages of Competence
- Four Approaches to Beginnings
- Act One: Unconscious Incompetence
- Turning Point One
- Act Two: Conscious Incompetence
- Turning Point Two: The Midpoint Sequence
- Act Three: Conscious Competence
- Turning Point Three
- Act Four: Confrontation
- The Denouement: Unconscious Competence
- Sequence Structure
- Structuring Short Stories
Developing Characters
My take on creating great characters, which should clarify how to use the Character Sheet and Character Roles templates above.
- Developing Characters: Foreword
- Myers-Briggs Typology for Character Development
- Character Roles
- Positive Character Arc
- Flat Character Arc
- Negative Character Arc